Rebuilding My Life After Losing My Identity
This video is a long one I know, but I go through my thought process of how I'm aiming to get some clarity around my life after I lost my identity last year.
Loss of Identity - The Art of Moving On
Well...I have mentioned a few times in the last few months that I experienced an identity loss and many of you shared this and wanted to know more.
4 Pieces of Advice Every 20 Year Old Needs to Hear
While I’m not perfect and definitely don’t know everything, I know that our individual experiences are extremely valuable. They define us and teach us a lot about ourselves. I’m just now figuring out my 30’s, but looking back on my 20’s there are a lot of things I’ve learned and wish someone would have told me.
Digital Nomad Couple: Living In A Van In Iceland
Over the last month or so, I’ve posted a bunch of videos about an incredible two-week trip boyfriendo and I did around Iceland, during the peak of the virus (you know which one — the one that sounds like a summer-y beer) which meant no tourists at all in the country.
My New Icelandic Home Tour! Off-Grid, Sustainable House In-The-Making
Earlier this year, I bought my dream home in Iceland.
It’s kinda crazy thinking about it that I was able to achieve this at only 31, though the Universe can be magical and prosperous when you take action towards clear goals….
How I Afford the Life That I Live
I decided it's time to address the big questions I often get:
- Did I inherit the money?
- Do my parent pay for it all?
- Am I relying on a rich boyfriend?
Or did I create this life all by myself?
Well this is a big, big deal for me. From living in Sydney, Australia, then a few months months later moving to Los Angeles, California, then accidentally moving to ICELAND a few months later. This video explains how I ended up a home owner in one of the furthest locations in the world away from my country of citizenship - Australia....
How To NOT Be A Starving Artist - 6 Tips To Kick Start Your Journey
There is no reason for anyone to be a starving artist in this day and age.
We have endless access to resources on how to teach us to make our craft a full time gig. But I think the problem may also lie in people’s incorrect idea about art and business…
I’m giving up the digital nomad life and never going back
I didn’t realise how many different can of worms a single video could open. My burnt out video I mentioned my houseless lifestyle is not conducive to productivity and fulfilment.
Some people became very frustrated over this since I’ve previously spoken a lot about being a nomad and how I think everyone should strive for this.
Ultimate FREEDOM: 8 Lessons from a Digital Nomad on Money And Wealth
If you saw last weeks video, you’ll know that I did a Casey Neistat style Q&A, which brought up some very interesting topics of conversation! In one of my answers, I mentioned the M word… MONEY.
‘Who’ and ‘what’ is the main drive behind what you do?
7 Digital Detox Tips to Ditch Social Media & Your Phone
I’ve been going through an addiction that most people don’t take very seriously. It’s called a mobile phone addiction.
I wanted to highlight just how serious this really is and to show you the steps I am personally taking right now, to cut down on the use of my mobile phone, so that I can focus on having amazing moments instead…
8 Secrets To Making Money FAST With A Small YouTube Channel
Sometimes I suffer greatly from the ‘I don't deserve it’ syndrome, which means that at times I'm actually afraid to get paid for my work - it's kind of strange.
I have been a creator for over two years and I didn't start getting…
Living On The Road Full Time: How I Became A Digital Nomad and Is It Right For You?
Many people constantly question what my life looks like when I live full time on the road.
How do I afford it?
Where do I live?
How to Travel Cheap: 21 Tips for Traveling the World on a Budget
How to Travel Cheap: Tips for Traveling the World on a Budget.
Do you often find yourself scrolling through your social feed, daydreaming about faraway lands, inspiring photography and life-changing adventure? Then you wake up and check your bank balance…dammit.
To travel on a budget is a daunting thing to many people, and unfortunately can deter some would-be wanderers from experiencing this incredible planet. To help you get the most out of your journey, here are 21 genius travel hacks for when you’re broke AF.
Happy International Woman's Day!
I love watching women more and more come together to support each other and do incredible things in the world that have been previously thought not possible for us.
And to think not even that long ago we didn't have any rights and we were a possession. Wow. We have progressed!
The future is bright for all humanity and a part of that I do believe is having more strong, smart and kind women in power. I love you boys, but some female energy in power is necessary to balance the equation.
So! To spread the love of International Women's Day, here is the...
7 Ways to Make Money as a Travel Influencer RIGHT NOW (Even if You're Just Starting)
We live in a BEAUTIFUL time where making money is easier than ever. Here are 7 ways you can make money RIGHT NOW as a Travel Influencer, even if you're small.
I hope these guidelines kick start you into thinking of ways you can make money online. These are just rough ideas which are there to provide inspiration. If I can do this, you can do this!
My Travel Photography Journey - Sh*t to Boss
I'm not one to usually toot my horn and say I'm amazing at any certain skill.
I'm not particularly great at anything. I'm pretty good at a lot of things, but not great.
Photography is a thing that has been in my life for years, but more because 3 of my boyfriends were interested in photography before it even crossed my mind to pick up a camera. I always wondered why on earth they would bother. I didn't really understand the point, but more so, I never really thought I could be good at it.
And even 3 years after I picked up a camera, I actually thought I was completely rubbish...until very, very recently. I caught myself looking at my portfolio in admiration. Beautiful images sharing a story, curated beautifully and images complimenting each other.
And it feels weird to say at this point in time I actually really love my photos. But...