Photography & Art Sorelle Amore Photography & Art Sorelle Amore

I became a musician

22 years…stuck…thinking…debating with myself whether or not to just surrender to this persistent inner voice begging me to sing.

“Sorelle! Stop! Please”

I gave myself every reason under the sun as to why it wouldn’t work.

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Photography & Art Sorelle Amore Photography & Art Sorelle Amore

The Advanced Selfie Isn't As It Seems: The Unexpected Life Changing Story of An Accidental Creation

Recently I met a person that gave me another eye roll when I told them I teach how to take Advanced Selfies. He didn’t understand. He thought it was pathetic. And when I explained the importance of the Advanced Selfie and how it helped me and how it helped him, he finally understood and acknowledged it was important…

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Photography & Art Sorelle Amore Photography & Art Sorelle Amore

31 Ways to Make Money as a Photographer

I'm currently surrounded by chickens in Australia and I'm so freakin excited today to be talking to you guys about this topic!
It's kind of like a pep talk mixed in with a video and it is 31 ways of making money through photography (the amount of times I hear people asking how to make money through photography, it almost blows my mind!)

If you have pretty good skills, there are endless amounts of ways of making money through photography.

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Photography & Art Sorelle Amore Photography & Art Sorelle Amore

Why You Look FAT In Photos - And 6 Ways To Fix It

I personally really, really, really hate the blog post title but I knew that you guys would click on it because so many of you guys think that about yourself. Time and time again, I hear people say “I look so fat in photos!”. Let's be honest, you are your own worst critic sometimes. So, i’m sorry about the blog post title, I don't like it myself.

Today though, I am covering the common mistakes that curvy women make and showing you my top tips on how to pose in photos. I want you to feel as good as possible in every photograph that you take, so hopefully these tips will be a life changer!

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Photography & Art Sorelle Amore Photography & Art Sorelle Amore

How To Pose Male Models: 5 Photo Tips For Men

You guys have been asking for this video for the longest time, so here it is - finally! :)

For today’s very special episode of ‘HOW TO POSE IN PHOTOGRAPHS- Male Edition!’ We have an extra special model! Introducing Boyfriendo!

The actual truth is Leon hasn't been in front of the camera that much, actually he hates it!

Although on the weekend we did our first ever photoshoot together - a ‘couple advanced selfie’ photoshoot and he did amazingly well.

So today we're gonna be running you through different poses that

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Photography & Art Sorelle Amore Photography & Art Sorelle Amore

Conquering Creativity: 8 Universal Mistakes Every Artist Makes

Hello Humans! Greetings from Toronto!

I'm here at the Buffer Festival, where I'm gonna be screening my first ever short film, which I'm super excited about, because last year I was like “mannnn... I really wish that one day I could do that” and then one year later, here we are! Also very nervous as a side note…

A lot of people assume that because you are professional, you never make mistakes. People hold themselves back massively because they're just constantly in their heads, so today I’m going to be sharing with you guys some mistakes that I make as a creator, as an artist, as a youtuber.

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Photography & Art Sorelle Amore Photography & Art Sorelle Amore

ADVANCED SELFIE CHALLENGE: Tiny Room Self Portraits (7 Easy Selfie Ideas)

This is the first time I'm revealing my new goal and dream of where I want to take these Advanced Selfies! I'm very exited to just give this dream a crack.

But in order for me to be good enough to take Advanced Selfies for a huge and luxury brand, I really have to get really, really good at these self-portraits.

And luckily, you guys are coming along on the ride with me and I'll be teaching you everything I possibly can about advanced selfies along the way so you can get better for yourself too!

In this challenge, I'm working with a really tiny hotel room and trying to get the most out of the room. It was super hard!

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Photography & Art Sorelle Amore Photography & Art Sorelle Amore

The Art Of Scouting: How To Find Stunning Locations For Your Photo And Video Shoots

There's beauty everywhere. Choosing to see life through this beauty lens has really helped me as an artist.

Perhaps this is why I can personally find beautiful locations to always shoot in. There is never ever a shortage for me to find these locations, so today I'm going to be sharing with you the thought process that I go into when I'm looking for beautiful places to photograph so you can find it as many as you can and create beautiful art.

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A Comprehensive Video Course Revealing the Secrets to Mastering the Art of the Self Portrait.

A Comprehensive Video Course Revealing the Secrets to Mastering the Art of the Self Portrait.