Sustainable Dream: Buying a Self-Sufficient Farm in Iceland
Well if your dream is to live off your land fully, be completely self-sufficient and sustainable, ya might as well buy a farm right?
My New Icelandic Home Tour! Off-Grid, Sustainable House In-The-Making
Earlier this year, I bought my dream home in Iceland.
It’s kinda crazy thinking about it that I was able to achieve this at only 31, though the Universe can be magical and prosperous when you take action towards clear goals….
Plastic-Free Bathroom Alternatives - How To Make Your Bathroom A Plastic-Free Sanctuary
Long, long time ago…actually roughly 60 years ago…in a land of confused humans, plastic became mainstream. This plastic thing was easily made out of a very accessible product - aka fossil fuel (aka liquefied fricking dinosaurs and plants that died millions of years ago)…which was drilled out of the depths of the earth to make it. Makes sense…
Introduction to PLASTIC FREE LIVING: How To Cut Out 80% of Your Plastic Use in a Few Easy Steps
Today we're talking about a topic that I'm super passionate about - you may remember I made a video 6 months ago saying that I was going to trial the plastic free lifestyle for 30 days.
I got hooked! I completely fell in love with that way of life. It's fun, it's responsible and it's an awesome way to give back.
You may feel like 1 person can't really make a difference, well take a listen to my sisters story:
“I actually convinced a restaurant owner to go plastic free after I had a conversation with him about plastic straws and the damage that they're doing to the ocean and the plastic straws that are ending up in Turtles noses.”
And what are the results?
Was it effective?
Will I continue living this way?
Is this even possible?