Hey there,
For over eight years, you've been part of my journey, and I’m deeply grateful for your time, support, and energy. It’s been a wild ride.
Right now, I’m stepping back almost entirely from self-promotion to recalibrate. I don’t want to add to the online noise unless what I share truly supports your journey.
So yes, I have deactivated my Instagram (maybe temporary, maybe permanent), after realising I spend an average of four hours a day on my phone. That’s **28 hours a week, 1,456 hours a year—**the equivalent of 60 full days. Two months of my life each year, outside of sleeping or living, spent staring at a screen. And some weeks, it's much more.
When I zoomed out, I saw how much of my existence is consumed by screens. Not all of it is social media, but enough to make me question:
Is this really how I want to live?
I know I’m not alone in this.
So, I made a change. No more mindlessly wasting my lifeblood on Instagram or TikTok, which only fuelled my screen time. I want to see what happens when I reclaim that time—if I learn more, feel more grounded, connect deeper with people, and slow life down a little.
You can still find me on YouTube for now with two new carefully curated episodes every month as I believe the new episodes will be in line with the type of change I want to see in the world. But that’s the only social channel I’ll be on for now.
After over a decade as an online persona, I also feel a sense of responsibility. I’ve likely contributed to the culture of constant consumption, and I don’t want to be part of the problem anymore.
If my decision inspires you to reclaim even a small piece of your time, then it’s worth sharing.
Besides YouTube, I’ve added a little email sign-up below. When I have something truly valuable to share, I’ll send an email. And you can always reply—it may not be Instagram DMs, but in a way, it’s more personal.
Wishing you the best—always.